Language & Art Lovers

Language & Art Lovers brings together a group of people who share an interest in art and learning a foreign language. After all, what better way to practise a language than through interesting conversation, e.g. about a performance you have seen together?

The occasion for these language tandems for Language & Art Lovers are selected pieces from the international programme of Berlin’s independent dance and theatre scene that are basically understandable with little knowledge of the language or offer some form of translation. After the jointly attended performance, the participants are brought into conversation in the foyer of the theatre in groups of 2 or 3 with the help of questions from the specially developed card game It’s a match! Language & Art Lovers is suitable for different language levels from A1.

The language tandems (German/English, German/Spanish, German/Portuguese) change per event. The focus is on practising the German language, but a mix of languages is also conceivable. In case of need we communicate with hands and feet!

Language & Art Lovers promises a lively exchange about art, languages and life, and along the way we get to know interesting people and special places. Perhaps this will lead to longer-term language-culture partnerships.
